
Hillsides and shorelines can provide scenic outlooks and much needed beauty for municipalities when properly maintained. Eroded hillsides and shorelines on the other hand can be a safety hazard and massive budget draw. 

Our bio engineered living shorelines are an efficient and long-lasting solution for municipal canals, creeks, lakes, ponds, and seawalls that will improve residential areas, prevent road closures, keep bodies of water clearer, reduce flood damage, and promote vegetation and wildlife. 

Ecological Improvements uses Best Management Practices (BMP’s) of erosion control solutions: 

The erosion control device must provide strength and integrity to support newly established vegetation. 

The device must wick and retain water and nutrients to effectively support the health of newly established vegetation. 

The device must provide safe ingress and egress zones for wildlife and aquatic life. 

The device must contain appropriate organic material to provide safe and effective biodegradability, without causing additional contamination to nearby waterways. 

The device must provide filtration of unwanted nutrients and pollutants in order to protect the water quality.