About Us
Restoring the natural environment is the most effective way to combat erosion. Environmental preservation and restoration is, and always will be, our number one focus.
Is it yours?
Jack Moran
Jose Goldner
Rod Robertson
Senior Director
Stuart Robles
Amanda Andreucci
Operations Manager | Creative Director
Proud Partners of Massachusets Maritime Academy
Ecological Improvements (Ei) was founded from our love of the sea. Many of our consultants are graduates of Massachusetts Maritime Academy (www.maritime.edu). Their students are immersed for four years in oceanography, geology, biology, physiology, toxicology, and numerous other environmental sciences. We are a hands-on workforce but we understand our environment from many levels. We have a wonderful working and referral relationship with Mass Maritime Academy. Our ongoing relationship as a service provider to the Academy and with its world class staff, gives us access and knowledge few other restorations companies have.
“I’ve got to hand it to them - they knew exactly what they were doing. They sat down with us, really listened to our concerns, and came up with a plan that worked for our unique situation.”
Chris Jordan, Superintendent at Berkeley Hall Golf Club in Bluffton South Carolina