Innovative Stormwater BMPs

The right stormwater BMPs can prevent costly issues. This week, we’re focusing on the innovative solutions that make stormwater management smarter: bioswale design and installation, green infrastructure solutions, and groundwater recharge techniques.

Bioswale Design and Installation: A Smart, Natural Solution

Bioswale design helps you manage stormwater naturally while adding value to your property.

Capture and filter runoff 

Prevent pollutants from flowing into waterways.

Reduce flooding 

Slows and absorbs water, cutting flood risks.

Eco-friendly design 

Adds green space while managing water efficiently.


More affordable to install and maintain than traditional drainage systems.

Green Infrastructure Solutions: Sustainable and Resilient

Transform your property with green infrastructure solutions like permeable pavements, rain gardens, and green roofs. These systems capture runoff, reduce flooding, improve water quality, and promote biodiversity. By replacing outdated drainage methods, you reduce costs and enhance long-term sustainability.

Groundwater Recharge Techniques: Protect Water for the Future

By using groundwater recharge techniques, you’re making sure that stormwater helps, rather than harms, the environment.

Recharge wells 

Direct stormwater into underground aquifers.

Infiltration basins 

Allow stormwater to filter into the soil, recharging groundwater.

Rainwater harvesting 

Collect and reuse stormwater, conserving valuable water resources.

Prevents depletion 

Protects aquifers and ensures sustainable water for the future.

Don’t Wait Until the Damage is Done

Floods and water damage happen when you least expect it. With bioswale design, green infrastructure, and groundwater recharge, you can be ahead of the curve, protecting your property and keeping water where it should be. 

Ready to make your property flood-proof? Let’s talk.

At Ecological Improvements, we’re making these solutions a reality for you.


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